Tuesday 14 October 2008

Sorry Computer Problems

Sorry guys I've been having computer problems so I've been unable to post anything.

Well tomorrow I'm off to the London Assembly to watch the London Mayor's question time, so hopefully I'll be able to get some good things to talk about.

I'm hoping Boris Johnson will talk about how effective his stop and search policy is going. Whether it is really getting some good results or is it just widening the gap between the police and the youth.

Already teenagers are very weary and distrustful of the police, so to give the police powers to randomly stop and search people at will will not build confidence.

The police instead needs to think of a way to instill confindence in people insted of giving them more reason not to want to co-operate with them.

Therefore if Boris can prove that his methods are having some effect and he can show that it is in fact reducing crime, then I will be convinvced.

Tomorrow we shall see.

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