Monday 27 October 2008

Credit Crunch, What Credit Crunch?

Every day on the news we hear more and more depressing information about the economy, and watch as people panic about their savings and their mortgages.

However it seems that a third of England's population may not have heard the news lately.

On a quick visit to Oxford street this weekend I was amazed at the amount of people still willing to part with their cash during these dire times.

I left on a quick errand with the thought that at least I would not have to battle the crowds on Oxford street, because everyone was counting their pennies.

How mistaken was I?

Here was I running to Topshop for some leggings for a night out, only to be completely in shock at the amount of people fighting their way through the sales rack looking for that ultimate bargain.

At least most people seemed to be more interested in the sale, because let's be honest, no one can resist a sale, but that didn't stop the credit cards being whipped out.

Now people may be willing to cut back on their household and food bills, but their wardrobe, they are not.

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