Wednesday 15 October 2008

Mayor's Question Time

Today my journalism class went to the London Assembly to watch Mayor's Questions. Let's say it was very interesting.

Other than getting to see Boris Johnson and watching the assembly members rip into him trying to their questions answered. The other highlight was the two interruptions of the meeting.

Protesters were able to gain access to the public gallery, and interrupted the proceedings to air their views on Johnson's promise to give underground cleaners a proper living wage.

The protesters were taking the mayor to task for not fulfilling his promise.

They started shouting and holding up their banners, calling the mayor a liar.

While Boris promptly got out his phone and started talking, looking quite amused by the whole affair, while the chair of the committee shouted for security, and the protesters were escorted out.

Then just when we thought all the fun was over, another set of protesters stood up. This time accusing the mayor of having a slave labour on the underground.

Again Boris looked bored but amused, and this protester put up quite a fight and had to be dragged from the public gallery.

So for a day that was seeming quite tedious, it turned out to be a somewhat enjoyable day.

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