Monday 6 October 2008

Racism In The Police Not A Big Surprise

Today, Boris Johnson announced that the Metropolitan Police was ready for a new start. Following the resignation of it's chief, Sir Ian Blair and the many racist allegations that are now coming out of the wood work.

Also with the airing of the Panorama show 'The Secret Policeman, Part 2,' and the warning from The Black Police Association for Black and Minority Ethnic people not join the Police force, it seems racism has become the hottest topic of the week.

What I find hard to believe, is the shock that the idea of racism in the Metropolitan Police has generated in the public.

People of Black and Ethnic Minorities have known that racism is rife in the police. However, it seems that everyone else has been none the wiser.

It is sad to think that after all this time, and with the many changes that has been made, that it can all be set back by a few ignorant people.

It is a known fact that people from a Black and Ethnic Minority backgrounds need to work harder to achieve their goals.

While I can understand why the Black Police Association issued their warning, I think that we should not bow out of the industry because of the ignorance of others.

I think that we should always strive to achieve our goals and overcome the many hurdles that it may entail. At the end of the fight, it just makes it all the sweeter.

However, I do think that society needs to wake up a take a good look at the many institutions that are supposed to govern our lives.

Realising that things are not always what they seem, just because something does not affect you, it does not mean that the problem is not there.

Wake Up People!

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