Friday 10 October 2008

Obese Children Taken Into Care, Fat Chance

The idea of Medical Professionals even suggesting that obese children should be put into care is a joke. Instead why don't they think of an idea that would be more effective to help those children suffering from health problems, or educating their parents.

We as a generation have become lazy, we are too lazy to cook proper food, to do anything resembling exercise or to even correct our children when they buy sweets and crisps for breakfast.

Poor Jamie Oliver has taken on the battle of trying to change Britain's obesity problems, and now the government has to devise a plan to tell us what to eat.

Pushing themselves further and further into our lives. Soon any decision we have to make will have to come with guidelines from the government.

We always moan that the government is too intrusive, well if this is the case why don't we start taking more control of our lives.

Why don't we take control of what our children eat, where they should and should not go and what they should and should not do. That way maybe parents themselves would be able to control the many problems that our society is riddled with.

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