Wednesday 19 November 2008

BNP Members List Leaked

Am I the only person who cannot stand to watch members of the BNP on the news talking about how their privacy has been invaded after 12,000 names of the BNP register list has been leaked.

To my way of thinking if you are a proud BNP member, what is wrong with proclaiming the fact loudly and proudly. Let the rest of us know exactly how you feel.

If I was living next to a BNP member I for sure would like to know. It lets the public know that despite how proud we are as a nation are of being so multicultural, racism is still rife within society.

Also I for one am completely for not having BNP members in the police force, in the army or working as teachers.

What sort of people do you want teaching your children, or on the streets on London supposedly protecting the community.

We do not need people picking and choosing who they are going to help or who they are going to teach equality to.

So if this list has helped people be a little more honest about their true feelings, then all the better for us non-racist people.

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